Puppies On The Gulf Blog

August 27, 2024

The Amazing Benefits of Emotional Support Dogs

Choosing the right type of Puppy is MOST IMPORTANT!

In ALL my almost 30 years I have NEVER seen a MORE PERFECT BREED being the Cavapoo!

Charlie and Myself 1995

 You will know when its the right time….. When your Life is just a bit

  1. Overwhelming
  2. Sad
  3. Too much time overthinking
  4. Feeling LONELY
  5. Not wanting to leave your house
  6. Having too much time during the day ALONE
  7. Nothing to look forward to…. Whether you have suffered health issues, lost a loved one, or battle with depression having the right Breed of Dog is LIFESAVING.  Period. Life is HARD. Life is not Fair. Life can be quite Lonely. Now enters the CUTEST MOST ADORABLE 4 legged FRIEND imaginable! Someone who LOVES YOU!  Loves everything you say and do! And you can do no wrong lol! (If only Men could learn from these Cutie Patooties!) In all my 30 years of being involved with Dogs I have never seen a more PERFECT Emotional Support Therapy Breed than the Cavapoos!  The Cavapoo puppies are smart, loving, lively, snuggly, supportive, unconditional, will follow you to the bathroom and sit and wait for you, nonstop cheerleader, and an endless supply of YOU ARE THE BEST confirmation you will ever find! Here is a little information about me that in which I don’t publicly announce but rarely.  I know have had 3 Traumatic Brain Injuries.  I loved dogs before my first TBI but never NEEDED one.  As I struggled to recover and regain my confidence I became aware that my need to getting a Dog was becoming more and more profound.  I came across Charlie, a gorgeous 16 week old Golden Retriever that i believe was an Angel with Fur that God had cross my path.   With Charlie’s help I was able to leave the house eventually attending college classes achieving my Associates Degree.  With Charlie I regained my stability and confidence but most importantly felt LOVED.  Unconditional LOVE.  Charlie made my world COMPLETE. I moved back to my hometown and was never alone as I had Charlie.  I was united with my Husband who both John and Charlie realized they were the “other man” in my LIFE. Lol!  Both knew the other was not going anywhere and both were IMPORTANT in my LIFE.. God knew Charlie had finished his assignment.  I woke up crying Wednesday night in 1997. I had a dream that Charlie had a bump on his head and was hit by a car.  I almost woke John up but realized or thought Charlie had not died as all he had was a bump on his head.  Three days later at 9:30 pm I was calling Charlie back inside and he wasn’t coming back inside???  He was out in the road laying still.  He had been hit by a car and all he had was a bump on his head.   My world was devastated as I lost my Therapy Lifesaving Dog!  I lost my Charlie….. But since then I have been on Gods Journey.  A journey that provides God’s Charlies for those in NEED!  Just lately have I realized that these puppies have picked up on my “disability” and I am generating future Charlies…… Hope this story HELPS!

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